Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Another Year Older :)

It honestly has been non stop celebrating since the day we can came back as an engaged couple from New York. Plus my birthday being around the corner, I have been having the most delicious foods everyday since.

We love celebrating at home. With a few friends, we've got ourselves the most in season oysters right now (kwakwala) and it is so rich and creamy, I can have the 5 dozen myself but sharing is caring so I shared. For the day, I've also got some triple-cream brie and prime madonna cheese, to go with the black truffle salami I've brought back all the way from New York!! 

First Harvest of 2014
This year has been my year. Everything was more than what I can ever ask for. I've gained, learned and earned so much. Family is in perfect state right now, everyone is healthy and happy. Friends are same with the few old ones, which are more than enough, quality over quantity. Said `yes` to the most amazing man in the world, everyday I am still learning from him. School has been epic, I totally proved myself to myself and that made me feel really great. Work has been amazing, so many opportunities have came along, got a promotion after being in this company for just one year, meeting the most compatible colleagues. 

Seriously there isn't any one more thing I can ask for - except for more shoes or purses maybe..

My birthday wish this year is genuinely to have everyone be healthy, and be happy of whatever they are doing.

The day I received the promotion letter - `The Happy Girl

I am thankful for all learning experiences, new opportunities and exciting adventures to learn and do anything. The best is yet to come.

I was hoping to be married before 30, now I`m 29 and engaged, hey close enough! Thanks Fiance, my love, for making my lifelong dreams all come true, everything is better if you are in it.

Thanks for reading! Love.

